Inspired by XCOM and a legion of brilliant authors this game puts you in the shoes of the newly appointed Overseer of the SCP Foundation an extraterritoral organization charged to secure anomalous artifacts around the world, contain public knowledge, and protect the world's existence from the hazards these items possess. You must Secure. Find anomalous events and SCP entities. Customize your armed forces and research powerful new technologies. Dispatch task forces to lock down and retrieve it. Fight off others interested in the same prize. You must Contain. Suppress public knowledge of the events. Recruit governments, agents, and organizations to fund and support your goals. You must Protect. Build bases and secure areas to store anomalous items. Stop the spread of anomalous effects. Beware of dangerous containment breaches. As time passes the beginning hastens the end. Something nearly destroyed the Foundation once. It won't make the same mistake again.

Forum Thread
Known Bugs (0.03a) (Games : The Foundation : Forum : Bug Catching : Known Bugs (0.03a)) Locked
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May 22 2015 Anchor

Weird overlay of tabs glitch when clicking on the bottom judgement weights icon on the left tab and then clicking on the recent cases then committee members tabs. This can be reverted by clicking on the x however it took a while to notice because it was partially covered.

Radar from sites appears on both sides of the world. Similarly pop ups from sites appear through the world as well, doesn't seem to occur for city pop ups or planes.

When creating a new base, using wasd on the keyboard causes the world to still move. This is also avoided by clicking in the input box but is a bit of a hassle.

Name creation doesn't work for sites, changing the name via the base editor changes the name in that mode however does not apply to the site in world view. When creating a new base the name of the bases reverts to site 19.

There is a weird graphical glitch where odd polygonal faces appear at the poles.

'All tales, SCPS, and the SCP Foundation universe are used under the...' gets cut off in the main menu screen. The top of the rest of this text is visible but not all of it. I think this only appeared after viewing the credits.

After creating a base near an osprey from a rival GOI I found it cool that when in base mode I could see the osprey...however I can now see the same osprey in all bases.

Each new site created seems to lead to the same base. E.g. when I create a new base called 'potato' and then make a room inside it, then create another base the room will all be there from the last one and will also be called potato. If I rename this base to 'cheese' and then add another room before switching back to potato, it's the same base.

I can select 'resend response team' to an anomaly as many times as I want. Often doing so accidentally as I don't know if the command sent or not.

When pressing ESC the escape menu pops up however pressing escape again just causes it to disappear temporarily then re appear with that fade animation. The mouse has to be moved over the options at least once for the menu to go away permanently after pressing ESC.

After a while waiting for new anomalies and then sending teams to secure them only sends the helicopters to the one anomaly location and not the intended one.

May 22 2015 Anchor
Paulbutterjunior wrote:

Weird overlay of tabs glitch when clicking on the bottom judgement weights icon on the left tab and then clicking on the recent cases then committee members tabs. This can be reverted by clicking on the x however it took a while to notice because it was partially covered.


Paulbutterjunior wrote:

Weird overlay of tabs glitch when clicking on the bottom judgement weights icon on the left tab and then clicking on the recent cases then committee members tabs. This can be reverted by clicking on the x however it took a while to notice because it was partially covered.


Name creation doesn't work for sites, changing the name via the base editor changes the name in that mode however does not apply to the site in world view. When creating a new base the name of the bases reverts to site 19.


There is a weird graphical glitch where odd polygonal faces appear at the poles.


Each new site created seems to lead to the same base. E.g. when I create a new base called 'potato' and then make a room inside it, then create another base the room will all be there from the last one and will also be called potato. If I rename this base to 'cheese' and then add another room before switching back to potato, it's the same base.

[NOT IMPLEMENTED] There is only one customizable base in the current prototype. All base links will go to the same customization setup.

I can select 'resend response team' to an anomaly as many times as I want. Often doing so accidentally as I don't know if the command sent or not.

[NOT IMPLEMENTED] As bases are not completed there is no good way to track how many response teams you actually have.

When pressing ESC the escape menu pops up however pressing escape again just causes it to disappear temporarily then re appear with that fade animation. The mouse has to be moved over the options at least once for the menu to go away permanently after pressing ESC.


I am currently investigating the other issues you reported. I will get back to you with more information on those when I have it.

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