The Curse of Blackwater is a survival horror game which puts you in the shoes of a paranormal investigator. He visits the abandoned Blackwater Maternity Hospital, and discovers there's more to the place than meets the eye. The game has been designed from the ground up to provide the most immersive and horrifying experience possible. It has been developed over a period of 6 months by me (Marc Steene, Project Lead), and Wray Burgess (Level Designer). We have poured months of time, effort, and sleepless nights in to this project, so we hope you enjoy it :) The release date is scheduled for July 1st 2013 at midnight GMT. The game is available for pre-order at our website for $9.99.

DrummerX7 says

10/10 - Agree Disagree (3)

Extremely atmospheric and well executed. As a first title and two man collaboration, it is very impressive and extremely fun to play. If you haven't, go Greenlight these guys on steam so they can hopefully find some additional success and move on to even better titles.