TextSpaced is a text-based sci-fi MMORPG played in your browser. It has been designed from the start to be enjoyed by blind and sighted people alike (and everyone in between). It is set in an infinite one-dimensional universe (imagine an infinite ribbon) with original art, high-quality music and, mechanics built around the mantra of "tactical, not technical". TextSpaced blends the style of more traditional text adventures with modern principles to create a game where everyone coexists in the same expansive universe, which is steeped in lore and intrigue. The entire universe is organic where everything is connected to everything else, every decision you make has a cascade of repercussions for you and your faction. The sandbox nature of the game leaves you, the player, the freedom to decide at any point what to do next.



Based in United Kingdom

Release date:
December 31 2022




TextSpaced is a text-based sci-fi MMORPG played in your browser. It has been designed from the start to be enjoyed by blind and sighted people alike (and everyone in between). It is set in an infinite one-dimensional universe (imagine an infinite ribbon) with original art, high-quality music and, mechanics built around the mantra of "tactical, not technical".


TextSpaced started life as a single player command-line game, then transitioned to a Facebook Messenger game as a 4v4 team based game before becoming the first MMO within Facebook Messenger and becoming popular with the screen reader community. The success of the game was brought to the web keeping the core values and its accessibility. We believe that people should not be separated by their individual circumstances so TextSpaced is designed to be enjoyed by sighted and non sighted people alike.


  • Screen Reader Accessible
  • Original Artwork
  • Original 16 Personality Factor Skill System
  • Free to Play


TextSpaced: Old Earth YouTube


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

Monetization Permission

TextSpaced allows for the contents of TextSpaced to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from TextSpaced is legally & explicitly allowed by TextSpaced. This permission can be found in writing at https://www.moddb.com/games/textspaced/presskit.

Play TextSpaced
Direct link to play TextSpaced play.textspaced.com.

About TextSpaced

TextSpaced is a text-based sci-fi MMORPG played in your browser. It has been designed from the start to be enjoyed by blind and sighted people alike (and everyone in between). It is set in an infinite one-dimensional universe (imagine an infinite ribbon) with original art, high-quality music and, mechanics built around the mantra of "tactical, not technical". TextSpaced blends the style of more traditional text adventures with modern principles to create a game where everyone coexists in the same expansive universe, which is steeped in lore and intrigue. The entire universe is organic where everything is connected to everything else, every decision you make has a cascade of repercussions for you and your faction. The sandbox nature of the game leaves you, the player, the freedom to decide at any point what to do next.

More information
More information on TextSpaced, our logo & relevant media are available here.

TextSpaced Credits


presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks