Includes seven new missions featuring the fictional Stetchkov crime family. VoIP capability has been added to multiplayer games, there are seven new missions, two new multiplayer modes, seven new weapons, players may strike suspects or hostages with their weapon to prompt compliance, which has the same effect as a non-lethal weapon, suspects will now pick up their weapons if they are not swiftly arrested, 10 player co-op with up to two teams of five, stat tracking, ladders and rankings for multiplayer, orders can be held in single player until the leader gives the go command and an option to have only one person issue commands and lead the team.

removethisprofile says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

such a great game. the damage system related to characters with damaged legs, arms, head etc and when your arms are hit, the aiming gets harder, when hit on legs, you walk slow, its perfect! the maps are very well done and has a great and silent atomsphere > you never know who is where and its random everytime you play the same map again > means that enemies are not everytime at the same place. graphics are a bit old but for me its good enough for such a good game, no need ultra HQ graphics with DOF, Bloom etc everywhere. this game is also modable which makes it interesting, testing new content and i wish that someone would pick up the swat series again and create a SWAT 5.