Strange things are happening in Parker, Colorado. Creatures appear from the night and ravage the town with savage ferocity and malicious drive. No one can devise what they are, or where they come from, but it's immediately made clear what they are after. Blood. A lot of blood. Like a lot. Play as a down-on-his-luck Podcaster oblivious to the chaos in town as he explores strange stories centering on a warehouse just outside Parker, leading him to navigate deep into it's dark hallways and come face to face with the most vicious of the creatures. Meet Syth. Suitor is a horror game truly unlike any other, pitting players against intelligent creatures that approach with a variety of methods and predict your moves in order to outsmart and corner you. Fast-paced chase scenes, heart pounding tension and challenging combat await you. You'll need more than blind running to survive here. Change up your game plan, keep on high alert, and maybe you'll stand a chance.

Add job Report Programmer needed to Finish Project at Undead_Ridley

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Undead_Ridley on


I have a project that is about 80% done, but my programmer is taking personal time. I am seeking an AI programmer for Unity to help finish up the project so we can continue production.

We have a full team on the bench, everything from a Music producer to a Marketing specialist, we just need a programmer to get us back on track.

The game itself is a stealth based survival horror game looking to revive the good old days of games like Outlast, Amnesia the Dark Descent and Alien Isolation, offering intense stealth and fast paced chase sequences with a variety of mechanics to keep players on their toes.

We've also got our sights set on a crowd funding campaign, hence why we're in a bit of a hurry to get finished up!

To Apply

Discord: undead_ridley (Please specify you are responding to this post!)
