It took longer than it really should have but by 2050, humanity has finally colonized Mars. The leader of the effort is an entrepreneur named Jeff Murray. Rather than live on the surface of the Mars, People have made their homes deep underground. The city and all its supporting facilities are buried deep down, safe from the inhospitable climate of the surface. Dr. West migrated to Mars recently at the personal invitation of Jeff Murray. Dr. West has been working on important research which he had hoped might lead to a cure for the Alzheimer's Disease. In Subterrain you fill the shoes of Dr. West, the apparent lone survivor of the underground city of Mars. Do what you must to fight, survive, escape, or otherwise amongst limited resources and relentless enemies. Your worst enemy will be your own carelessness...

Forum Thread
Tube system (Games : Subterrain : Forum : General discussion : Tube system) Locked
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Dec 10 2014 Anchor

Idea from Andrew Johnson :

Someone wrote: the current tube is good but some locations might have to change the lines
Map would show no direct from this plaform but show which line requires to change

So rather you find tube secuirty card for Major interchange station to unlock departing gate - you will find switches for each platform
in direction

T stations
South or North - lower platform - west and east on upper platform
random: - the levels can swapped

X stations

North and south - lower platform - west and east on upper platform
levels can swapped around in random

Terminus station (single end) HUB
set of platforms on same level

Terminus with (with 2 lines passing through)
have two levels - upper and lower platforms

Simple station (stand alone station without interchange)
one level for both directions - island platforms

Station layouts:

Typical station would contain turnsiles or gates then a passagway to platforms (you find a stairs to platforms and elevators)
but tube is stopped by power shortages so you need find power to turn back on and restore everything online (some locations might have secuirty gate on tracks closed) and map of mars tube system (long distance) while bigger cities have own Metro tube system
interchange between metro and long distance is simllar to todays railways but some are direct or just in same stations
the exits would easily marked with Exit sign on stair and elevator

two types - long distance - fewer stops between stations - while Metro have more stopping stations

the power affects the fare system so some locations will be free while is power is off (turn on power back on to restore fare system at that station)

Tube system at the moment is the way to get around the Mars and it doesn't serve anything else. The idea of making Tube system complex enough to make it feel real is one thing, and making sure it is meaningful in terms of game play and time player spends on it is another. We feel that although making a believable world is important, we can't just let players to spend and have to walk around just to make some transit between stations.

First, In order to make Tube system more realistic and yet meaningful, the whole station level needs to be much bigger and fill the areas where players will move around with more interesting stuffs. This will make the subs - the levels accessible by the stairs much smaller in comparison, so the subs also needs to be bigger than now. This of course mean more resource for development = less variety of levels or in other expense.

Second, We agree that doing the same thing to unlock the departing gate is pretty repetitive. So it would be cool to have some different scenarios per level.
And your idea of having a bit of different situations sounds good.

Edited by: Saehoon

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