It took longer than it really should have but by 2050, humanity has finally colonized Mars. The leader of the effort is an entrepreneur named Jeff Murray. Rather than live on the surface of the Mars, People have made their homes deep underground. The city and all its supporting facilities are buried deep down, safe from the inhospitable climate of the surface. Dr. West migrated to Mars recently at the personal invitation of Jeff Murray. Dr. West has been working on important research which he had hoped might lead to a cure for the Alzheimer's Disease. In Subterrain you fill the shoes of Dr. West, the apparent lone survivor of the underground city of Mars. Do what you must to fight, survive, escape, or otherwise amongst limited resources and relentless enemies. Your worst enemy will be your own carelessness...

Forum Thread
0.6c bugs (Games : Subterrain : Forum : Technical / Bug reports : 0.6c bugs) Locked
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Dec 6 2014 Anchor

1. Once I entered area that was completely black and empty. I couldn't leave or move, but I could attack, access inventory or switch light. When I entered the same area again, it was fine. On third go it was empty again.

2. That hairy naked zombie with glowing head and dropping eye is completely harmless - he just stand or walk.

3. On billiards/casino map there is completely empty room. You might want to look into it

4. Melee weapon wearing out doesn't work - I can use 0% knife without any problems

5. When you go from station to area A, then to area B then again to area A, everything there will be re-spawned - enemies, loot, doors closed, ect.

6. Once I couldn't find key to turn on the train - I searched everywhere, many times. Then I died of hypothermia. Maybe you could allow train to go back to previous station, so save is not wasted.

7. Sometimes when you enter area there are no enemies at all, then when you enter again you can find plenty of them

8. In one area furniture was completely displaced - sometimes sticking through the walls

Enough for now ;)

Dec 7 2014 Anchor

Hi Loki.

Thanks for your feedback.

Most of the errors you are experiencing is probably due to the something gone wrong with the game save data that is being used to save the levels.

Have you started the game using fresh game. (delete old one and then start new) ? version 0.6 is not compatible with the save game of the older versions. We will have to put some feature to make sure to prevent the save games from older versions being loaded.

4. Melee weapon wearing out - we will look into this, but only the damage dealt with the weapon is being affected by the durability. But I agree, this is not very clear.

6. If you could not find key (tube security has it) it is either we have forgotten to put one around, or something else has gone wrong. We will look into it.

I will try to rebuild the data and update the build to 0.6d so if you can download that and try it and let us know it would be fantastic, otherwise we still love your feedback so far!


Dec 7 2014 Anchor

I used completely new save file

4. If it only reduces damage it's good - way more realistic than item disappearing.

6. I actually happens to me twice. It was on the map where you came from north, and corridor goes west -> north -> west

You're welcome

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