Create, manage and run a pizzeria - in space! SPT is a classic "tycoon-style" game - the player starts with a small building and some money and needs to develop, manage and expand his business to become the most powerful pizza baker in the universe. The guests come from all over the galaxy, so be prepared to serve humans, robots, aliens, creepy space insects and other creatures - all with different needs and preferences. Manage your stuff, create a good menu, create new recipes, build and decorate your pizzeria, keep an eye on the stock - there are lots of things to do in space. This game is currently developed in my free time and only by myself. I hope to give you guys a playable version soon, right now the game is working but has some nasty bugs i want to fix first. Until then - tell me what you think about the game, i am really curious on some opinions other than my own...

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