Slender: The Eight Pages, formerly known as Slender is a free experimental game developed by Parsec Productions. It was released as a beta in June 2012 for Windows and Mac OS X.

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Slender was a game released by Parsec Productions as a social experiment to see if gamers would hop onto the first person survival horror medium. Needless to say, it worked. Shortly after the release of Slender came an updated version known as Slender: The Eight Pages which was pretty much the same as the previous version however the Slender Mechanics were upgraded slightly making the game a lot more intense and challenging. Since then, there have been dozens, maybe even hundreds of Slender copies out there including Parsec Productions recent project Slender: The Arrival and Slenderman Shadows, HOWEVER, the original Eight Pages is still the most fun and terrifying game of them all. In fact the scariest part of this game has to be the suspense it brings in knowing you're downloading the game and once it's done, you'll have to try and survive Slendy on your own. Can you collect all 8 Pages before the Slender Man gets you? Play it for yourself, just don't look behind you....