Sky Nations is a multiplayer sandbox game where players can join together to build air ships(cannons and all!) and do battle across a vast world procedural world full of relics and machines from another age waiting to be plundered by daring sky captains and their motley crew.

Jdeb9 says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

This is the sort of game I've always wanted to play. The game manages to take the cube look of Minecraft (and other voxel games) yet create an experience unlike any other. My initial impressions of the game would that it would be like a mod for Minecraft, a mining game with airships tacked on. Oh how wrong was I.

It has a fantastic way of balancing the time spent flying and mining, and a visible effort has been put into making the airships run smoothly. Whilst there is plenty of room to add more tools and block types, the current set works amazingly and I can see it forming a solid foundation for expansion. For anyone reading this who doesn't have the game, I can't stress enough how much it isn't like Minecraft. Visually, yes but in terms of gameplay very different.

The only criticisms I could make would involve cleaning up the engine a bit. This game doesn't run as well as similar games on the same hardware and since my last play I was unable to change the render distance.

I would recommend purchasing the Alpha, as I can see this game becoming so much more awesome than it already is. Definitely worth the money and a play.