Sky Alchemist is a steampunk tower-defense inspired puzzle game. If you feel like building intricate mazes is the fun part of tower defense, or you're just interested in a game with slightly more nuanced gameplay than "Shoot 'em Till They're Dead", then Sky Alchemist is for you. In Sky Alchemist you transform the 58 unique matter types by heating, cooling and breaking into a pure form. The intelligent scenario engine produces thousands of unique missions to challenge you with as you learn to become an Alchemist. Sky Alchemist is hopefully the first of several games in the world of Sky; future games will feature exploration, tactical and strategic airship combat, and more. Buy Sky Alchemist to help bring this world into reality!

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Single port tweak (Games : Sky Alchemist : Forum : Feature Requests : Single port tweak) Locked
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Jun 9 2012 Anchor

When connecting a tool to a tool with only a single port, could clicking anywhere instead of just the port icon? And if you click on a tool with multiple ports limit it to just showing those ports. Basically, when reduced to a single option, could it be automatically selected?

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

Yes, I find the clicking business sometimes annoying too.
The single-option automatic connection I see as feasible, I just would not find it then very consistent with the clicking you must do to connect to a double - port tool.

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

I am not saying you must click a multi port tool to see its ports, I am saying that that would hide the other ports since sometimes they overlap and make it hard to select

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

I hope I understand this right: Your suggestion is:
a) Single Ports
1. Click on connect symbol of a tool.
2. If there is only one other connectable tool available then connect "automatically" by just clicking somewhere else.

This is technically possible, but actually it would interfere with the current implementation of the "manual" connection, which uses exactly step 1 and step 2
(click on the connection symbol of a tool, then click somewhere on the floor, route the way where you want your pipe to be, then click the tool you want to connect to).

At some point we would need to decide about the manual connection feature - I myself hardly ever use it. If we would do something like you suggested, we would need to exchange the manual connection feature for a feature that lets you change the pipes after connecting. (I think you suggested that already).

b) Multiple Ports
I somehow don't get your suggestion - I am sure it is some language problem on my side ;-)
You wrote: "And if you click on a tool with multiple ports limit it to just showing those ports".
I got a centrifuge (the only tool with 2 ports). The only other tool this can be connected to is an emitter.
So, If there is no emitter on the field clicking the centrifuge does not show any connection icon. If there is an emitter on the field, clicking the centrifuge shows 2 connection icons to give the player a choice which one to use. This is how it is currently implemented.
I think I need more explanation what you would have different.

Jun 12 2012 Anchor

As in, if I have two tools near each over their ports can exist in the same spot making it hard to select. So I can limit it to the centrifuge so that I can click the correct port. And the single port idea was for us to click on the tool to select it.

Jun 13 2012 Anchor

If you click on a destination tool after starting a connection it will automatically connect to the closest port on the destination tool. Is that not what you mean?

Jun 13 2012 Anchor

No, I mean if I click on a destination tool it will limit the selectable connections

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