Heather (Silent Hill 3) is happy horror has ended. But when she's back in her apartment strange things are going on again. May the horror return? "Silent Hill: a tale of silence" is a point and click adventure in Silent Hill style. It's more an homage and a parody instead of a serious game. Currently all graphics, sounds and stuff are temporary because it's still in test state.

GameSomniac™ says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

The game was very well done. Not only am I a huge fan of the Silent Hill series but I also started my adventures in the Survival Horror Genre playing a point and click game known as Clock Tower. After seeing this was a point and click version of my favorite game in the SH series I played it immediately and so far it has not disappointed. The game adds so many cool little homages to the original game and the series overall that are just fun to encounter, it makes you want to play more just to see what else you can find. I can't wait to finish the game, you should try it out for yourselves.