RADical ROACH is a fast paced shoot em’ up, set minutes after nuclear hell falls from the sky engulfing all but a few tough little bugs. Play as a super little radiated roach with new found powers, get to safety before the army of fleas get you.

MrNinjaSquirrel says

2/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

RADical Roach is, to put it frankly, a very bad game. What seems like a funny concept quickly falls apart do to repetitive design, innacurate controls (does not support gamepad either), and the poor choice of not including any sort of story system for the main story.

This causes the game to quickly start to feel pointless, and it became a grind almost as soon as I started. The environments don't do anything to help in this regard, repeating the same 10 second loop over the course of the games levels. Animations are jerky and could have used a lot more polish, and feel very weird mixed with in with the main character, who actually manages to look halfway decent despite being very simply drawn. Enemies are cut and paste, with little to no pattern to learn or interesting weapons or moves, which has long been on of the things schmups rely on most to keep things fresh and interesting.

It is all just very very dull, and I have a hard time finding anything good to say about it. The cartoony artstyle is the only thing that could pass as almost decent, but it's nowhere near enough to counter all the horrible designs choices that RADical Roach makes. I couldn't make myself finish it, and feel thankful that it was only free extra in an indie bundle. Even for free I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, and at a whopping $10 I feel sorry for anyone who might have purchased this game. I hate to say so many bad things about a game, but RADical Roach is easily one of the worst games I've played in years.