Pokémon3D is a recreation of the old Pokémon games Gold/Silver by Nintendo/GameFreak (but, of course this game has nothing to do with them ;) You're the hero of the game, and as usual, you want to be the best Pokémon trainer of all time. So let's go, visit some grass and catch, battle and defeat wild Pokémon, explore towns and routes in 3D, collect items and Pokémon, play with a friend in LAN co-op and much more. The game is currently under development and features are added frequently.

BadSituation says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Amazing game! i've been waiting for a pokemon game like this! no actually like this but still its good :D the only thing i encountered in the game so far is when learning a new skill and i dont want to learn it, when i press enter on the learned skill it force closes :( please fix that! THANKS! :* great great game here. good future