Game Description: Overseer is a top-down roguelike game, heavily inspired by Dungeon Souls. This time, you can play with friends and enjoy the intense splashy combat together. The Overseer system allows you to take control of the dungeon and to make it more interesting and challenging: spawning monsters, placing traps, and changing the layout of the dungeon to spice things up. Backstory: A mad scientist testing the greatest adventurers of all time. (One of each class), throughout the dungeon, the player will notice hidden wires and the hard light holographic room glitch out. Current features: Random Dungeon Generation Item Based Power-ups Multiclass based system Own unique ability tree for each class Keybinding supported Basic Multiplayer Connections Future features: Full functional multiplayer features: Overseer system in controlling the dungeon in Multiplayer Smoother multiplayer connection Better interfaces Additional combat related features More content and features



Jarrod Muddyman
Based in United States

Release date:
Early Access July 30 2020



Available From:
$5.99 - Steam


Overseer is a top-down roguelike game, heavily inspired by Dungeon Souls. This time, you can play with friends and enjoy the intense splashy combat together. The Overseer system allows you to take control of the dungeon and to make it more interesting and challenging: spawning monsters, placing traps, and changing the layout of the dungeon to spice things up.


The original inspiration for Overseer was due to seeing Dungeon Souls a dungeon crawler game. The original concept of Overseer was inspired by Dungeon Souls and Dungeons and Dragons combined. The developer figured, how cool it would be if there was a Dungeon Master (known as the Overseer) who could control how the game played. Although while that sounds fun, the developer wanted the Overseer to have a goal of some sort, so he thought, why not kill the players and stop them from reaching the end of the dungeon, to make it fair a point system was planned so that the Overseer could not spam enemies and other such limitations were planned so that both player and the Overseer would be able to have fun while having a somewhat fair experience.

Originally the developer never planned to work with any publisher, he just post the game on an indie platform and hope for the best. However, at the time he also quite proud of the little demo game he made. He never released it as it had some copyrighted music and art. From Dungeon Souls, he wanted to see if he could make a game just like it at the time. But he also wanted feedback, so he sent in the demo game to Lamina Studios. AFter receiving, a fairly quick reply and an offer to help develop the demo into a full game, he accepted and Lamina helped to source Graphic Artists and other collaborators.


  • RPG
  • Action-Adventure
  • Multiplayer


Overseer Official Trailer YouTube


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About Jarrod Muddyman

A developer of role playing games including Overseer.

More information
More information on Jarrod Muddyman, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Overseer Credits


presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks