OCR is an open-world indie driving game powered by Unreal Engine 3 featuring a free roam, time-trial and a race mode on a massive environment for $4.99.

MisterGravity says

4/10 - Agree (13) Disagree (3)

I wouldn't so much call it a "racing game" to tell you the truth. Racing is usually fast, hectic, adrenaline pumping. Instead of tearing a path to the finish line by battling other racers, you're taking it slow and steady at grandma's pace just to keep it on the road. With unrealistic collision physics (accidental wall driving in the tunnel) and inaccurate drifting (you spin all over the road, reverse does nothing, and hand brake is too powerful), you'll fight not to win a race, but to continue without wrecking.

While the game does have pretty good (if not particularly realistic) graphics for an indie racer, it has an uninspired soundtrack. You would think that the developer would counteract the slow and steady nature of driving with an upbeat soundtrack. Sadly however, our ears are given the treat of listening to someone play a guitar and sing slow songs that sound like every other band from the mid-nineties.

All in all, I'm impressed with the implementation for an indie GAME. However being in the racing category, it falls short in several key areas. I'll beat the racing mode because I'm a completionist, but free roam is pointless giving this game zero replayability. I wish I would have saved my $4.99 and bought a piece of DLC for NFS: Most Wanted instead.