Call of Duty: Zombies Quake demake "NZ:P" for the PlayStation Portable & VITA, Nintendo Switch & 3DS, Windows, Mac, and Linux.

WhenBellsToll says

1/10 - Agree Disagree (2)

What a sham, CoD has always been a cash-in cow that has kept Activision afloat (and associates) when they truly deserved to be swept away from the market. I usually ignore it and go about my life, but this is just terrible. I might be alone here, but I feel that it is disrespectful, in fact trivializing, to make a game called "Nazi Zombies". WWII and the Nazi Party are not things that should become part of a FPS, or at least not in this unprofessional manner.
The game "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream" handled Nazis appropriately, this game does not, it just tosses the name around like it has absolutely no meaning or concern, it's just a title. And that to me trivializes WWII and perhaps the holocaust. Nazi is not something to be taken so lightly. I am disgusted. 1/10
Thank You for Reading what I have to say,
Kent "WhenBellsTroll" Reese