Call of Duty: Zombies Quake demake "NZ:P" for the PlayStation Portable & VITA, Nintendo Switch & 3DS, Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Jasp3r says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

MAN, i loved world at wars nazi zombies, i easily had over 500 hours of game play on the 360. i was at my desk at work bored started Google searching came across this game. i have to run portable software on my work computer as they block access to everything.

this game works great! runs smooth on even the crappiest of computers, ive had a few issues but nothing to complain about to much. graphics are decent as is gameplay for a beta release. i have not tried to play multi yet, and cannot wait to test it at home, THANK YOU GUYS FOR MAKING MY JOB MORE ENTERTAINING! cannot wait until the final release, and MODZ would be cool too. PLAY THIS GAME!

if you like nazi zombies this is a very light portable version that can be played from a thumb drive or external. (the reason for the 7 out of 10 is mainly because there are alot of things that need to be improved as to be expected from a beta, this will easily be a 10/10 upon completion. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GUYS! and thanks a million for this game