Naruto: Naiteki Kensei is a free stand alone game that offers a unique fast-paced experience based on the hit Japanese anime Naruto. Players are able to compete online using a system that combines aspects of a third-person shooter and an action-based fighter to provide a new thrilling experience. The system includes casting clever and powerful Jutsus, stringing together Melee combos, evasive acrobatic free-form Movement, and utilizing an array of Weapons with multiple functions all seamlessly.

SuperDurnius says

9/10 - Agree Disagree


Great work. I can see, that creators feal passion for this mod. There is huge "feal" of ESF team.

I hope, when NKK team will deside that they have finished NKK, they'll move on on source engine. While I see what they managed to complete on GoldSRC engine, I just can imagine what they could make on source engine.

Good luck... Don't loose your passion for mods.

P.S. Why 9, not 10? No one can be perfect. There is always way to make this mod even better...