Mortal Online is a next generation PC MMORPG both in terms of graphics and gameplay. There are no PvP zones, only an open realistic world where you are free to choose your own path. Experience true real-time combat where you decide every move your character makes and where your personal skill really matters. Build your own house, or set up a guild to build a keep. With enough power, violence or diplomacy, you and your allies will be able to rule an entire nation. Choose from many different races and professions. You decide your own style of playing and whether to focus on PvP or PvE, both sharing the same game world. Devote your life to crafting, combat, magic, thievery, trading and more. Discover new skills, tools and resources or be the first to explore new areas to put your name on the map.

Jimmythesaint says

6/10 - Agree Disagree (1)

Well its free to play, thats for sure. The problem is you will get your ♥♥♥ handed to you by a subscriber because your skills are capped at 60 instead of 100. Plus there are restrictions on what you can do if you arent a subscriber. $15 a month is what you would expect to pay a top-tier MMO, not an indie game.

Dont get me wrong, Ive played the game for about 12 hours over two days (hit the level cap on about 12 skills) and its pretty good and wide open in what you can do. It is however a little buggy, and very laggy (or the nodes plain crash for hours at a time). If they were asking closer to $5 a month I would sub right up. If there were better help or support functions (supposidly the game was supposed to be confusing as ♥♥♥♥ and not give any help) and be much more stable then they might expect to ask more for subscriptions, but I personally feel its asking too much for too little.

I voted no on Steams Greenlight, but I did give it a fair shake through Desura client. I would vote yes if the subscription price was half of what they were asking currently. Maybe a different pay model would be better?