Might and Magic 6 may look bad in todays standards, however what lies underneath its dated engine is a complex storyline outclassed only by the depth of its class, skill system, non-linear plot and critically acclaimed musical score. Might and Magic VI allows the player full roam over the terrain, as opposed to the grid-based maps of the previous titles. Battles can be conducted either in real time or in a turn-based mode, where the player can take time determining what enemies to attack or what spells to cast. However, the player's movement is severely limited in turn-based mode. As in the rest of the series, all action is shown through the eyes of the party. The characters improve in ability using a mix of class-based and skill-based systems. Upon party creation, the player chooses classes for each character, which determines their abilities. As characters gain experience and advance in levels, they accrue skill points which make them more powerful in their fields of expertise....

Orzie says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

Just imagine the excitement of Might and Magic series fans when they saw the entirely new engine of the Mandate of Heaven, full of new possibilities and reminding no more of the 'corridor shooter' games. The fresh concept strongly connected with Heroes of Might and Magic series could not avoid the common love from players all over the world.

This game starts in Enroth, and many familiar names can be met, which was bringing back old warm memories all the time. Personally, I love the mixture of sci-fi and fantasy setting rather than the pure fantasy of Heroes of Might and Magic games, but I guess I was always amongst the minority.

Every time we replay this game we discover more. It's like when you re-read your favourite book, yet with an improved level of perception, time and time again.