ESP Games present Miasma 2, the sequel to 2010's turn-based strategy hit. Take control of Paul or Lina once more, and command your elite squad of freedom fighters in battle against the oppressive Vilhelm Industries. With an all-new turn-based tactics/real-time battle system, the action runs fast and thick, and with new units to command - and a whole new graphics engine - this is one adventure not to be missed. Miasma 2 gives turn-based strategy an unexpected twist as you must plan your entire team's orders at the start of the turn, then hit commit and see how it plays out. Will your courageous flanking manoeuvre pay off or will you be caught out of cover? Included is a single-player campaign, continuing from one year after the events of Miasma 1, a survival mode, where you can pit your skills against waves of increasingly more difficult enemies, and post your scores online against the best Miasma players worldwide, and a New Game+ mode, where you can keep amassing those upgrades.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 21)

Well done, an overall improvement on the game system (something like turn based/ simultaneous plan execution). Now you have the reaction, and works nicely.
Now you can change the basic equipment, ammo type, and can buy grenades, stimpacks, etc.
On the other hand I felt it shorter than the first. Less stages? Less difficulty?
There's no "import save game", and that could be "fixed" in some way, when Lina explains the amnesic Paul about their relationship. I mean, he can ask about the main events of Miasma, and since you finished it (me too, of course), you can answer every one of them and make a "smart" way of import the save game, and avoid the "Wait, Paul is the amnesic... why Kelly doesn't remember that we are in love?" issue.
The story keeps being plain and simple. There's a new faction, that is welcome.


I wanted to love this game so much but it just disappoints!
The game is very tight with maneuvering. However the pseudo simultaneous turns damper the tactical feel of the game. For example you have two guys, one has cover and in range. The second guy is not in range or cover. 1st guy moves to new spot but 2nd guy can’t take his spot because the game still has that spot occupied. This would be no problem with the old true TB system as one spot is cleared you can now move a new unit in. Why change it? Oh and the first person mode when back at base is just horrible and time consuming.
The first Miasma was so much better!

é porreiro

Looked at 1 screenshot and I am sold! Very nice looking game, and at $2 it is a steal!

Put this game on steam and I will buy it there too!

Great turn-based strategy fun!

The game demo does not show all the good things.
If you played games like Incubation, then you know what to expect. This game has far more then that:

Play as a man or woman.

Dynamic camera position and movement when the enemy moves. You see yourself and the enemy. Giving you an idea where the other enemy is.

Every player has a different weapon. Can be upgraded. Upgrading happens at the base At the base and during the game you can socialise with others. Buy items at base.

Enemies: robots (good looking mechs), floating tanks, android,

Every characters has a different special skill: repair vehicle, heal, EMP stun, etc

The graphics are good and sharp.

While test is typed onto the screen you will hear a "typing" sound.

The characters talk to the player, giving it background information about the quest etc.

The music is of good quality.

Overall the game feels good enough.... if you like turn and grid-based strategy games.
Then this is recommended for the few euro!


BobbyThumbs says


harley9699 says


stampp says


neoceun says