Stealth espionage action takes to the jungles in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for PlayStation 2. In the struggle to achieve world peace and world dominance in the Cold War period, rivaling governments are secretly developing weapons technology that could threaten the future existence of life. Destined to be the first, a race ensues to become the ultimate nation. A special elite tactical soldier is summoned to penetrate deep in the heart of enemy territory and obtain Intel about "Metal Gear", a prototype weapon with nuclear capabilities. This is your mission and you must infiltrate alone. As "Naked Snake," you must outsmart enemies with camouflage, close-quarters combat, stalking, interrogating, climbing, hunting and treating injuries in this critical chapter of the Metal Gear saga.

RSS Reviews

picardsfish says

Agree Disagree

Best port in terms of controls, and would be definitive however it's currently stuck at 20fps on console and an unstable 30fps or 60fps on Citra Emulator.

The future of this title is on PC emulated but right now Citra needs more work to make it compatible.


Bertaut says

Agree Disagree



Marquise90 says

Agree Disagree

Yall Dont Know Nothing About Respect this Game I Grew Up On Back in the Day And When I Was 5 yrs Old And Yall want to not put a average or a review for this Awesome *** Stealth Game Created By Mr Hideo ******* Kojima My Fav Game Dev And Icon Of Game Industry Yall Need Some ******* Help ******* Seriously!