Legionwood is a traditional console style role playing game (RPG) reminiscent of the classics of yesteryear. It features a lengthy, 20+ hour long quest to play through, with an epic story of love, war and revenge. You take control of Lann Northwise, an otherwise ordinary young man, who is thrust onto the world stage after he is implicated in the assassination of his king during a public address. Now it's up to you to clear Lann's name and bring the real culprit to justice. Along the way, you'll complete dozens of interlinking side quests, fight hundreds of challenging, intelligent foes, and devise your very own battle strategy with a character customization system that does away with traditional character classes and lets you play your characters however you want to by directly adjusting their stats and combat abilities. Times are dark. War threatens to engulf the world. The realm of Legionwood needs a hero - will it be you?

Temperactive says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

This game I must say is one of the best I've played in a long time, in my opinion it holds its own against classic RPG's such as the early Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games and is more impressive in the sense that it is free the story is great (so far from what I've played) and the gameplay follows the classic 2D-RPG fantastically but at the same time is unique in its own way. I don't really have any complaints from what I've played so far and doubt that I will as I continue because of the high standard it sets the music is good, the story is good, the gameplay is good, the cutscenes are good, and the level designs are good. It can be a little bit tedious at times but no more than any Final Fantasy games and where would the fun be without the level grinding??? haha. Anyway the game is really awesome and I hope that the second one will be just as good or better this is truly a 10/10 game and good luck with the future.