Kaiser The Chaos Clockworks is a 2.5D Hybrid plat-former. Starring the Titular Protagonist; Kaiser Leospike, a not so wise of an average hero, Happens to walked himself into a crossfire from an ancient war from a past far ago. Kaiser now must use the best of his abilities to put an end to a never ending war against a being of pure malice dubbed Chaos from consuming the world. with an unfolding story and a unique cast of characters, Chaos Clockworks will make sure everyone will play it til the very end!

Add job Report Recruiting Level Designers at CINK Entertainment

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located USA, Canada, UK, Europe.

Posted by CINK Entertainment on

Working on a 2.5D Platformer similar to Megaman with a Metroidvanian twist, combat vaguely similar to Kirby Superstar and has some minor RPG Elements, currently the team consists of 2 music composers, 1 lead artist, 2 Model artists, 1 Animator , 1 Play tester, a writer, and 2 programmers. The First Playable demo is to be hopefully done by mid 2019 at the rate we're going, but the project will go beyond that as we continue to develop the story, characters and content to the game.

Must have time to tribute and work on the project until completion of the final project
Must have experience in level design and world building
Must be willing to work well with others

If you wish to join us, please email me at flamingleos@gmail.com or if you use the discord app, please add me KaiserLeospike#5001 and await further discussion, you will be given questions and if you have a portfolio, please share it so that I may check for proof, because no one likes a scammer..

You will also need to do a test, further discussion may be applied once you get in contact with my discord

To Apply

If you wish to join us, please email me or if you use the discord app, please add KaiserLeospike#5001 and wait further discussion