ILLUSION - Ghost Killer : The goal is to position six cameras in a shed, where people report hearing scary things, and hear a strange laugh!

deadering says

2/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

I'm usually not one to complain about graphics, but the character model is so bad for the "ghost" that it ruins the game. It would probably not be much scarier if he looked creepy however because it is very predictable that whenever you reach the location to plant the camera he appears. All he does is move his arms in a primative way to stab you.

The controls themselves are horrible, even when walking forward your camera tilts to the side as if you have no muscle in your neck to hold your head up.

The gameplay consists of walking through an area and holding the E button in specific spots. That is it.

The sounds are bad and mostly non-existant.

Honestly, there really is no redeeming factors about this game. The only reason I bother giving it a 2 is because it is free. I'd be mad if I paid for this.