Generantis is a 2d sidescrolling ARPG that features procedurally generated loot that you use to create new gameplay. Players, mobs, projectiles, armor, weapons, even quests, maps, and more are all lootable objects with random stats and randomly picked script components. Put objects you like best in the generator storage to create a new planet branching off the previous, and model lore after your planets to create an adventure file that can be shared over the internet.

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Generantis is Making a Big Comeback

Generantis is Making a Big Comeback


Hello, ChromeWing here, announcing that there is now a "we" involved in Generantis.

Generantis is now on Steam Concepts

Generantis is now on Steam Concepts


The game is on the Greenlight concepts page, check it out for information and a new video!

The idea of this game

The idea of this game


What exactly is Generantis all about? Find out here as I explain the process of allowing an adventure to create an adventure!

Future plans for the game!

Future plans for the game!


Come see what's planned for Generantis in the near future!