Originally conceived for the 2008 TIGSource.com 'Bootleg Demake' competition, Gang Garrison 2 is a free multiplayer 'demake' of Valve's Team Fortress 2. With all 9 classes, many different TF2-inspired environments, and fast-paced, team-based, multiplayer gameplay represented, GG2 is the premier TF2 tribute/parody/alternative. Gang Garrison 2 presents the player with 9 unique classes to use in frenetic, cooperative multiplayer action in a stylish and unique 8-bit style. Battle with your friends or others you encounter online through a whole range of vibrant maps; TF2 maps reimagined in 2D as well as a multitude of maps with all sorts of different looks and settings, all of which have been dreamed up and constructed by members of our community.

LemonadeSMW says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

To me, this demake is an interesting take on Team Fortress 2.

The simple, nontheless appealing remade gameplay does fine, even thought the game still lacks some unbalance. Isn't every class-based game not perfectly balanced anyway ?

The clear, low-resolution graphics and the simple gameplay mechanics like only one weapon for most classes help the players focus more on the objective.

The variety of possible variations (custom maps, graphic mods..) is perfectly as good as Team Fortress 2 in most aspects (the game being open source, it helps for mods, notably sprite mods which are easy to do, as custom maps), but it mostly lacks custom mechanics; as Team Fortress 2's cp_steel would not work with the current version's 2-control-point-only attack/defense mode.

I personally find Gang Garrison 2 easier to play than Team Fortress 2 and more creative, without falling into the lack of respect for the original : the creators consider it a parody and a tribute to TF2 at the same time.

I'll finish this review with a quote from Tom Bui, at VALVe :
"It's pretty much better than TF2 in every possible way now. Except for the total lack of hats."