Got a gaming rig? Watch YOUR music come to life and take direct gamepad control of a fractal universe spawned into existence from your music. Watch it morph and beat to the tunes as the music itself gives life to fractal worlds. Explore the creation in real-time... go where you want... pause the world at any time.. fast-forward and rewind the creation. Friktal is something new.... you have seem plenty of trippy videos, audio visualizers, etc... but you haven't seen it in VR with realtime control over the world :)



Based in United States

Release date:
November 30 2018

Xbox One
PlayStation 4



Friktal is a 3D Virtual Reality music visualizer that is live interactive with audio input. Watch YOUR music come to life and take direct gamepad control of a fractal universe spawned into existence from the morphing beats of your music. Explore the creation in real-time... go where you want... pause the world at any time.. fast-forward and rewind the creation. Friktal is something new.... you have seem plenty of trippy videos, audio visualizers, etc... but you haven't seen it in VR with realtime control over the world :)


Friktal is a 3D Virtual Reality music visualizer that is live interactive with audio input. Watch YOUR music come to life and take direct gamepad control of a fractal universe spawned into existence from the morphing beats of your music. Explore the creation in real-time... go where you want... pause the world at any time.. fast-forward and rewind the creation. Friktal is something new.... you have seem plenty of trippy videos, audio visualizers, etc... but you haven't seen it in VR with realtime control over the world :)


  • Fractals
  • VR
  • Music


There are currently no trailers available for Friktal. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

About friken0

Got a gaming rig? Watch YOUR music come to life and take direct gamepad control of a fractal universe spawned into existence from your music. Watch it morph and beat to the tunes as the music itself gives life to fractal worlds. Explore the creation in real-time... go where you want... pause the world at any time.. fast-forward and rewind the creation. Friktal is something new.... you have seem plenty of trippy videos, audio visualizers, etc... but you haven't seen it in VR with realtime control over the world :)

More information
More information on friken0, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Friktal Credits


presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks