The first WWII naval game to bring base building and combat on the same map (that we know of!). Build factories, ports and airfields in the Pacific, bring in ships and aircraft, and drive the enemy from the battlefield. Flotilla WWII brings classic tile-based action enhanced with simple and intuitive base building, providing for both small quick battles and longer island-hopping campaigns in randomly generated maps for endless fun. Play against the AI which is simple but aggressive, or play against a friend on 1vs1 hotseat multiplayer.



Based in Greece

Release date:
August 9 2016




The first WWII naval game to bring base building and combat on the same map. Build factories, ports and airfields in the Pacific, bring in ships and aircraft, and drive the enemy from the battlefield. Flotilla WWII brings the classic tile-based action enhanced with simple and intuitive base building, providing for both small quick battles and longer island-hopping campaigns in randomly generated maps for endless fun.


Controlling the naval war across a theater has always been a dream of mine, from building the fleet as I liked it, to conquering island after island, to watching two ships duel for control of another mile of sea, all on the same map. In Spring 2016 I was stuffed with projects and homework for my studies or other student groups that were choking me, and decided to start a fresh project, in a familiar framework, that would give me steady progress to keep me going, so slowly Flotilla WWII started taking form. By the time the exams were over and I was going home for vacations, I realized that I had made a pretty complete TBS game, and decided to push it out to the world. I spend most of summer finishing it, making it a complete and playable game, and even took the leap of faith most aspiring game devs take and threw it at Steam Greenlight to see if it would bounce.

It didn't. But that's fine, because in Greenlight, people leave a comment, even if an offensive one, and that helped me look at my games and see what the next step was, graphics. I had originally gone medieval (retro) on the graphics, because it was for me, and that was not ok, so I started again with every unit, every building, the terrain, the UI and so on, and got the opportunity to improve a lot. Since that July morning when I decided I had made something complete that I could show the world, Flotilla WWII has improved immensely, and with it, I have too (as a developer at least).


  • naval game
  • TBS
  • base building
  • WWII


FlotillaWWII guide YouTube


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

Steam Greenlight
Link to Steam Greenlight page

Link to IndieDB download page of latest demo

About CountNerdula

Welcome to Count Nerdula's secret lair! Count Nerdula, known to some as HomerVP, intends to bring the world creative new video games, fulfilling what other developers left out of their games, or even never tried to make. I am a Computer Engineer turning towards aeronautics, I am passionate with just about every aspect of game development -from engine coding to level design. I generally experiment with games with open procedurally generated worlds that allow indefinite gameplay - though I am always very busy so I can't update much and many projects are just put on hold. When I have something that's playable and I feel like my interest in the project will not fade in the future, I post it here. My latest such game is Flotilla WWII, which I am ready to publish to Steam but am waiting for the right moment for some paperwork - it's complicated! You can try out the demo though, it's got everything except save/load, and maybe it's missing a patch or two but it's generally the full experience

More information
More information on CountNerdula, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Flotilla WWII Credits





presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks