A new war is brewing. A violent conflict, between the Six Colonies, each one convinced that it was in the right, each one sure of its own ability to defeat its enemies. But they need Generals. They need soldiers. They need you.

CaptSierra says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

EvoRTS is an epic fusion of C&C and Total Anihilation. I do have to say f*ck you Desura for not installing. Ive fought with it and finaly can play and the fight was well worth it. This is an amazing game with a skill level that takes time to master but is fun from day one. Amazing job for just one guy! The graphics level on this game lag my computer, which is running an NVidia GeForce graphics card and an intel i7 processor. The lasers shooting up off your economy buildings is completely pointless but its still wicked cool!