Spanning across the epochs of mankind's history, Empire Earth is an encompassing, deep real-time strategy game similar in style to Age of Empires. Ranging from the very dawn of civilisation with the discovery of fire to the penultimate achievements of mankind's futuristic nanoage, players have all of the resources of the era at their disposal, from the club-wielding cavemen of prehistoric society, to atomic bomb-laden B52 planes of the Atomic Age. Featuring a robust campaign editor, and random scenario generator, Empire Earth is both a technologically-sound and enjoyable game.

BittoVonOsmarck says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

This was my first war game on the PC. There's just so much one can do in this game, an entire world is at your fingertips. Tons of missions and unlimited possibilities with map generation to keep all paths new in combat, many units, great quotes (the one I'll remember the most is "Attack with sharpened steel!") and so much other good features. I've played this since around 2002-2003 and I'm of course still enjoying it! Modding capability is pretty good, you can change all sounds, text and textures though you cannot edit models. But there are HUNDREDS of MISSIONS, CAMPAIGNS, TEXTURES and SO MUCH MORE to download from great community members, you can make more yourself! I could go on for hours with this review but I don't want to waste my time with it as I'm too busy playing Empire Earth. Oh, and also its expansion Art of Conquest of course.