This game is in early phase of developing. Currently, i am the only one who working on this project. It's written in C++ and uses OpenGL 3.3 Main plans of this are: Multiplayer mode, custom kingdoms making and upgrading, custom items crafting, gathering resources for kingdom upgrading (stones, iron, woods...), massive battles, etc.. Current Engine Features: - Terrain loaded from file or heightmaps - Multitexturing terrains using blend maps - Frustum culling terrain - Terrain LOD using QuadTrees - OBJ file loader (without materials) - Textures for models(PNG,BMP,DDS) - Collada file format loader and parser - Animation system and GPU skinning supported - Models LOD (using Quadric error matrices) - Water (shaders are bugged at the moment) - Skybox - 3th person camera - Mouse picking - Lights - GUI(at early phase) - 2d Text - Normal mapping - Specular mapping - Multiple Lights Currently bugs and upcoming features: - Terrain cracks fix - Water Shader fix - Particle system - New Models




