The beautiful, enchanted world of Driftmoon trembles in the shadow of a forgotten evil, for the dark King Ixal is again gathering his forces. Hope lies in an unlikely alliance: A young man joins forces with a little firefly dreaming of stardom, a panther queen with the ego of a moon whale, and a very determined fellow who's lost everything but his bones, and still hasn't given up. Knowing nothing of the amazing adventures and the fearsome foes that await them, the party embarks on a journey like no other. Driftmoon is an adventure-roleplaying game, full of exploration, smiles and surprises, captivating stories and quests, charming characters, and countless delightful details.

morduun says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

A very enjoyable story-oriented RPG with lots of exploration, fun, witty dialogue, and enjoyable combat challenges. The RPG elements aren't incredibly heavy, but they're not particularly light either, and there are enough skills and character development choices to make to keep things interesting.

As for the developers themselves, they're friendly and responsive, they're open-minded, and they listen incredibly well to their players' feedback -- and Driftmoon absolutely reflects their commitment to making enjoyable games. My only complaint is I'd like there to be more of it, but even that's not a real complaint because they've provided the tools to make more games using the engine, and provided an online solution to providing player-generated content... so what's not to like?