Doorways is a first person survival horror game, with a complex story and a deep atmosphere. Each level of the game will challenge you with dynamic gameplay and distinct visuals and sounds. If you like the horror genre, you are in for a treat. Prepare to immerse yourself in augmenting pyschological terror and brace for jump-scares. If you are into puzzle-ridden adventures, you're definitely going to like Doorways challenges: from simple mind puzzles to timed and agility demanding situations, each level or scene in the game presents to you a different gameplay obstacle to overcome. And if you are a hardcore "unlocker", this game has several secret places, collectible artifacts and hidden notes that engross your understanding of the back story and grant achievements for you to hunt!

pheenix93 says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

Pretty cool game. Excellent graphics and a pretty good sound. Very nice level design and easy handling. I would have rated it a ten if there was more variety in the overall experience - But the ending was great :)
Also the sound could be a bit more "crispy" sometimes :D
Keep up the good work!