Doorways is a first person survival horror game, with a complex story and a deep atmosphere. Each level of the game will challenge you with dynamic gameplay and distinct visuals and sounds. If you like the horror genre, you are in for a treat. Prepare to immerse yourself in augmenting pyschological terror and brace for jump-scares. If you are into puzzle-ridden adventures, you're definitely going to like Doorways challenges: from simple mind puzzles to timed and agility demanding situations, each level or scene in the game presents to you a different gameplay obstacle to overcome. And if you are a hardcore "unlocker", this game has several secret places, collectible artifacts and hidden notes that engross your understanding of the back story and grant achievements for you to hunt!

boredgunner says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Absolutely amazing atmosphere... one of the most immersive, creepy games you'll ever find. The developers must be commended for creating such a unique, mesmerizing world.

Gameplay could use a few tweaks though; the very limited duration of the torch is odd, maybe a bit more searching for clues to emphasize a detective feel more, and I feel that some places could have been turned into some of the scariest places in video game history, had there been more of a threat to the player. Specifically, the basement in chapter 1, which is one of the most amazing locations in the game, could have been made to be one of the scariest places ever.

Still, the atmosphere is absolutely incredible. Get this game.