You are the once-trusted bodyguard of the Empress. Framed for her murder and driven by revenge, you must become an infamous assassin, known only by the disturbing mask that has become your calling card. As you navigate a world torn apart by plague and oppressed by a government armed with strange new technologies, the truth behind your betrayal is as murky as the waters surrounding the city. The choices you make will determine the fate of the world, but no matter what happens your old life is gone forever.

ScreamScreen says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

An awesome game, yet I haven't finished it :P It's just really good :D I chose 10 out of 4 things I focus on when reviewing, it's Quality, Length, Lag and Story (atmosphere and stuff like that is included in the Quality!)

Quality: Great reality/cartoony like graphics, which is kinda cool, I wasn't to sure about it at first but I am now :D love the style! Atmosphere is cool, like the areas and the maps :D a worthy 10 :D Length: I have heard that this game is INSANELY long but I do not know xD Lag: I had a little bad GFX card so it lagged a little, but I got a new and there was no lag :D another worthy 10 Story: I love the story of this game, save Lady Emily :D And a bunch of other stuff added to the story, Corvo Attano wants revenge! Totally worth a big 10!

Quality: 10 - Length: 8 - Lag: 10 - Story: 10 As you can see, I really like this game, and hope it only gets better and better!