Adam Jensen was hand-picked to safeguard the secrets of America's top biotech firm. But when a black ops team breaks in and kills the scientists he was hired to protect, using a security plan he developed, he is thrust into a conspiracy shrouding mankind's future evolution.

Dragonlord says

7/10 - Agree (4) Disagree (2)

It has good points like the weapons, the conversation system, traders, the hacking system and the city hubs but then again it lacks in places original game shined like the lack of choice, cranked up boss fights, lackluster story and ending as well as modern abominations like auto-healing or cover system. What goes for DX:HR it is solid game that is riddled by design mistakes and that did not fully get what the original game has been all about. It's nothing outstanding and for sure can not reach the level of the original game but it is definitely an improvement over Deus-Ex Invisible Wars and it is definitely a step back into the right direction. With the lack of SDK, no real replay value unless you skipped half of the game on purpose and parts of the game ripped apart by DLC, I can't really recommend as must play.

Let's see how the next game turns out. The course is right. They just have to get the dirt out their engines and they have a good chance to hit again the sweet spot Deus-Ex did back then. DX:HR isn't there yet. But one can learn from mistakes... hopefully.

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