Delve Deeper is a turn-based Adventure/Strategy game that combines HD pixel art, tile placement, and RPG elements in a bright and humorous atmosphere. Up to four players take command of Dwarf mining teams in this fast and furious dungeon adventure meets devious puzzler, building the map as you play for an ever-changing, endlessly replayable strategy experience for you and your three best friends, or three devious AI teams.

foadiron says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

This game is certainly addictive because I have sunk 10 hours into it so far. However, after this amount of time the AI becomes pretty easy and the game doesn't offer much in the way of anything new. So I thought I'd give the multiplayer a try, only to find out it's hotseat only! If it had 'proper' multiplayer I'd give it an extra point. Still, 10 hours (and counting because there are some interesting achievements I want to try) is not a bad amount of time for a cheap indi game.
