Free, donation-based oldskool sci-fi adventure game.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 29)

Argoon says

Agree Disagree

Made on the blender engine using blender and free. Fantastic graphics and inspired art direction, the first episode was fantastic this one didn't disappointed.

very efficient than the previous episode.

Un peu répétitif mais bien fait.


Looks very nice. Simple gameplay. Frustrating much of the time.


great game, stunning story, great atmosphere, great puzzles.
please make the player walk faster, as you sometimes have to go back and find stuff that you just didnt see earlier.


booman says

Agree Disagree

While playing Dead-Cyborg, I found myself immersed and excited to discover what lies ahead. I'm absolutely blown-away by the detailed graphics. The rusty walls, broken panels, flickering lights and chaotic robots are modeled with great precision and attention to lighting. You can examine how the shadows & bumps cast across almost every element and how the flicking lights create periodic shadows & reflections. I'm extremely impressed with the capabilities of Blender Game Engine and modeling capabilities. Endike has really done his research and troubleshooting.
Your first impressions may be, "not another sci-fi first person shooter" but you will quickly find that Dead-Cyborg is more of a point-n-click adventure within a fully interactive environment. I was please to find that you can interact with almost everything you see. I would try selecting rusty panels, or animated monitors on the ceiling and there is short dialog about all of them.
In Expisode 1 the animation & sound is pretty limited because it seems to be a barren/abandoned ship with only a few corrupted robots and some green interactive nodes in the shape of cubes. Though you feel quite alone, this is really an episode of discovery.
To give you an idea of what Dead-Cyborg is like, I would say the cautious flow of System Shock meets interactivity Myst meets the dark moody environments of Doom 3.
Great job, looking forward to more episodes and hopefully mouse support.
Amazing job!


I gave Dead Cyborg a 9/10 because it's not perfect but it's missing too little to give it a lower rating. :)

Although I have a soft spot for Duke Nukem 3D and Quake II - both shooters - I actually like 3D games without angry creatures gone after your blood. :P I also love quests and Sanitarium is my favourite game so far. Dead Cyborg is great how it is and the good thing it will get more episodes. For a free game I can't ask for more. It's already A LOT and I prefer a good story over a perfectly technical game.

Great job, Endre! :) Thanks for the game!


Egy kis rövid írásban szeretném összegezni véleményem, és némi kritikámat a játékról.

Nemrég, hónapokkal ezelőtt figyelmes lettem erre a fejlesztésre, és kíváncsian vártam róla a videókat, képeket, és fejleményeket. Kis idő elteltével sajnos nem tudtam követni ennek a játéknak az elkészültét.
Ám, nagyon meglepett, (persze amikor itt újra megtaláltam a projektet, már a nevével ellátva) hogy ez egy sci-fi kattingatós kalandjáték.

Én nem nagyon vagyok hozzászokva az ilyen dolgokhoz, megmondom őszintén, és a korai képek alapján én egy FPS játékra számítottam, némi akcióval, és fejtörőkkel fűszerezve.
Ennek ellenére nagyon pozitív benyomást gyakorolt rám a játék, főleg azzal, hogy ilyen szépen lett kivitelezve blenderben a játékmenet, a modellek, a környezet, a hangeffektek, és összességében minden, ami egy játékprogramban található.

A fejlesztőnek gratulálni szeretnék munkájához, és további sok sikert kívánok neki a folytatáshoz.

Pontozás: 8/10.


HenryT77 says


awesee says