Fear, desperation, and organized crime dominate Dawnstar, the lawless sector of the galaxy. A cold war between the major mafias has erupted into a massive battle royal where the ultimate prize is complete control of Dawnstar. As a hot shot pilot, you're hired to help reign in the chaos ravaging the sector. You'll be provided opportunities to transcend the chaos or exploit it and position yourself as the next major Mafioso. However, you quickly learn that there are other forces at play that may have doomed your mission before it even began. Free Flight Gameplay Endless loot-driven gameplay. 20+ Storyline Missions. 20+ World zones to explore, battle and trade in. Make choices that impact the story and your relationships with your companions. Open World environment with randomly generated side missions and levels. Thousands of different pieces of equipment to customize your ship with. Co-op based multiplayer. Play with up to 4 of your friends in an open world environment.

Xangi says

3/10 - Agree (5) Disagree (6)

Played it at a friend's place, he just bought it off Gamersgate.

Frankly, I'm not impressed. Sound glitches, no save button, no way to check controls ingame, laggy performace even on a 660ti with a Hexacore processor. Unacceptable. There are also NO TRANSITION SCREENS, this is absurd. When you fly into a jumpgate in a game like X you're treated to a nice little fade out then the game loads, then you pop out on the other end. Here, no, the game LOCKS UP, flickers to a loading screen then dumps you somewhere in the area you entered. You have no feeling of transition, you may as well have just warped to a new level using console commands.

Equipment is poorly explained as well. Do I have ammo? I seem to ahve to reload, but several times my ammo simply sat at 0 and refused to reload. I checked my inventiry to see if I had any bullets or ammo, but no such items exist. The stats on items are very unexplanatory, I honestly had no idea what shields were better than others or what weapon types did what.

All in all, this feels like an alpha of a game, hardly more than 50% finished. Maybe when the game actually functions properly I'll buy it for myself, but for now I'll lend my friend 10 bucks until he can pay me back for his wasted money.