Explore the secluded region of Ashan, where fearless orcs, wild goblins, dreadful undead, elusive trolls, gigantic dragons and many other creatures stunning in both size and depravity. This is a new and darker side of the legendary universe of Might and Magic, where the forces of evil are stronger and more cunning than ever.

LegionIscariot says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

A fun first-person RPG.

The story is not bad or great at first, but about half way when the mystery of what you are is revealed it gets interesting.

The combat is pretty fun. Kicking enemies off cliffs, into fire, on wall spikes that are conveniently placed everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

Some of the magical weapons are really cool to use. The skill points tree was also good.

The characters needed to be developed more.

I like how some quests were optional. Even boss fights were optional. The game doesn’t really lock you in a room and force you to fight a boss.

The endings are not bad, the problem is you just get a short cut scene, I wanted an actual epilogue to see the consequences of the choices I made throughout the game.