Explore the secluded region of Ashan, where fearless orcs, wild goblins, dreadful undead, elusive trolls, gigantic dragons and many other creatures stunning in both size and depravity. This is a new and darker side of the legendary universe of Might and Magic, where the forces of evil are stronger and more cunning than ever.

Gamer112 says

7/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (1)

Greeting People who like the might & magic series is bless with its sequeal Dark Messiagh of might & magic where you embark on a quest quest meet a hot demon acually become a demon and see some characters from might & magic series the reson i gave it a 7/10 was that it was great and all but the puzzles were annoying and took forever, i couldent kill that blonde woman becuase she well i cant say but out of its great combat, good storyline, and SPOILER we meet Aranter from hereos of m&h 4 and tribes of the east bastard thou overall a decent 7/10