Explore the secluded region of Ashan, where fearless orcs, wild goblins, dreadful undead, elusive trolls, gigantic dragons and many other creatures stunning in both size and depravity. This is a new and darker side of the legendary universe of Might and Magic, where the forces of evil are stronger and more cunning than ever.

Mv.Antitribu says

10/10 - Agree (4) Disagree (1)

This game is amazing, but I HATE UBISOFT for not letting us mod the game, or at least let us play with the spells, imagine all we could do ! apart from that, i think this is an amazing Game, it would be perfect if it was like free roaming, and that you could go and take quests, but even so its still lovable. I hope to see another game like this, someday . . .