Creepy Zone is a horror survival game through a surreal and nightmarish world. Enter if you dare.

Neoshadowwolf says

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5/10 - Agree Disagree

To begin with, I had a bit of problem starting this game up before (as it constantly crashes before the loading in the main menu finishes). This could be Dxtory conflicting with the game, but it could be something to check into.

As for the game itself, it's an interesting experiment of surreal environments. Though quite a few character models in the game are pretty gruesome and disturbing to look at, the fact that you don't actually confront most of the creatures here makes them less threatening.

The gameplay is more or less an experience rather than a game that can stand on its own. The level design can be predictable (such as the case with the ramp) and everything seems to lack a sense of unity. Just random things happening. And of course, the abrupt ending...

Decent effort with a potential, but can definitely use some work.