Counter Strike Online is a Counter-Strike game targeted towards Asia's gaming market. It is developed by Nexon Corporation of South Korea with oversight from license-holder Valve Corporation. It uses a micropayment model that is managed by a custom version of the Steam back-end.


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2/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Counter-Strike is another game that I hold onto dearly because of how it was fun and how I met many great players.. Counter-Strike:Online might seem like a good alternative to Global Offensive, But it isn't, It's quite possibly the worst knock-off to a good game series.

Counter-Strike:Online contiunes the Online only game series in a bad direction:Combining a Shooter similar to CS:GO while using a micromanagement system similar to Steam's Workshop. Using real money to get more guns..Is my first complaint.

While Counter-Strike:Online has bots if you don't want to play online, These bots are not like the ones in Counter-Strike 1.6, Condition Zero, Source, or CS:GO, The bots in CS:O are just plain awful.. even on the hardest setting, They still cannot shoot good.

I really cannot see CS:O as a good game for many reason, But the ones listed above are what many "hardcore" fans would focus on.