Moves the battle away from the common Western Front focus of World War II and refocuses on some of history’s most brutal and devastating conflicts on the Eastern Front, challenging players to take command of the iconic Red Army and repel the Nazi invaders from the very gates of Moscow.

ComradeWinston says

1/10 - Agree (13) Disagree (7)

Singleplayer Campaign
The anti-communist message shoved in the player's face during the campaign is insufferable. I play video games to be a part of epic battles, glorious tales of heroism and so on. Not to have a game tell me how to look at the world via the cheapest and most inaccurate means possible; practically verging on Homefront levels of offensive in the propaganda department. Except here the narrative is trying to convince you that you are the bad guy and you should feel bad, because the Soviet Union is bad okay, remember communism is bad, and Stalin is satan and... stuff... SOVIET UNION IS EVIL, REMEMBER THAT PERSON PLAYING THIS GAME. COMMUNISMS = BAD

General Stuff
Public custom lobbies aren't even an option, so if you liked playing Annihilation don't plan on ever playing it with anyone but people you know. The units aren't anything more interesting than the original's, and more than half the generals are "premium" aka you need to buy them. Visually it's hardly up to 2010 standards if even, and there is no shortage of Relic DLC whoring to the point of charging for faceplates.

After playing a few auto-matches, so far the Germans have won every time. Every single one of those times, their victory could be described by the two simple words: Panther & Tiger. And I've played about an equal number of times as either side, no matter what it's always the same thing. At best the USSR dominates from the start and gets run over by tanks in the end. After six months I expect far better balance in an RTS game.

Wait until the Deluxe Edition costs $15 or something, better yet just buy the original Company of Heroes. This game is a pitiful excuse for a sequel.