Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle is an indie RPG roguelike, with a retro graphic style and a terrible sense of humour. The game takes place in a series of ever descending randomly generated dungeon floors, packed full of monsters to slaughter and loot to pillage. The game plays like a traditional roguelike, but with a clean UI, a slick, action orientated combat system, and a massive range of enemy types, skills, gear and room designs. With features like crafting, skill trees, characters development, and just-one-more-room style gameplay, Claustrophobia is a love letter to traditional RPG rougelikes. Create your ideal hero, build your own custom class, then set out on your quest for glory, slaughter, and anything shiny!

pos_car says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

Personally, I feel that many, if not all, RPG designers could learn a thing or two from Claustrophobia. The replay value is through the roof, a large variety of unique enemies, a huge variety of items to find, use and equip, a satisfying crafting system, excellent non-restrictive character development, randomly generated multi-floored dungeons complete with randomly stocked's just a @#*king awesome game folks. It doesn't have uber-realistic graphics and doesn't require a powerhouse rig to run, in fact relatively dinosaur-aged computers should be able to run Claustrophobia without problems. Don't get me wrong, it's still a visually appealing game, a variety of crisp tilesets, your custom made character changes with the gear you equip...yeah by now you should've stopped reading this and bought the game. I simply can't wait for the final product, the anticipation may cause me to vomit & cry.