Focusing on the time periods after the invention of gunpowder. It will deliver 12 unique and challenging scenarios created by the development team at Firaxis as well as some esteemed members of the Civ Community. Civ IV: Beyond the Sword will also include ten new civilizations, sixteen new leaders, five new wonders, and a variety of new units that will offer even more fun and exciting ways for players to expand their civilization's power as they strive for world domination.

Rodman49 says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Civilization IV is the pinnacle in turn-based empire building games. Its predecessor (Civ III) had many problems - particularly the corruption mechanics and urban sprawl. However Civ IV has improved all of these issues, added heaps on new features and mechanics, streamlined all of the tedious tasks, and has great new music and graphics.

Civ V (its successor) would actually take many steps backwards, a buggy release with non-working multiplayer, less civilizations, and honestly less of all the things that made Civ IV a gaming masterpiece. Civilization IV is still the top of the civilization series - don't let anyone fool you.