Powered by Unreal Engine 4, City of Titans is an MMORPG set in a universe of heroes and villains, adventures and daring struggles. It is a world of the superhuman, where heroism never dies and villainy never gives up. Where there are villains, there will always be heroes, and in City of Titans, the most influential of heroes and the most dangerous of villains will be the ones that you, the player, bring to it. City of Titans is a world where your creations, not someone else’s, reign supreme. Create heroes and villains straight from your imagination with our unparalleled Character Generator, customize their powers and even their appearance to suit your vision, and then embark on a story that is never quite the same as anyone else’s. Our flexible alignment system will adjust to wherever on the spectrum between good and evil your character may fall. And when that journey is done, it is you, not some NPC, that will stand at the top.

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Technical Problems about the game!